Our research theme is “biotransport phenomana,” which are trasnport processes of matters, momentum, energy and even information through biological systems. We measure, model and understand these processes to engineer new biotechnology and biomaterials.

Current research projects include drug and nanoparticle transport in the tumor microenvironment, biomimetic disease models of pancreatic cancer and blood-brain interface for biology and drug discovery, biomanufacturing using microfluidics and 3D printing, and information transport during cell migration.
Our research is supported by National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, Walther Cancer Foundation, Purdue Center for Cancer Research and Purdue Institute for Drug Discovery.

U01 HL143403, R01 CA254110, R61/R33 HL 159948,
R01 EB008388, P30 CA023168, UL1 TR002529,
HHSN261201400021C, HHSN261200800001E

MCB-2134603, CBET-1009465, CMMI-1449358