Contact Us

Undergrad Applicants

We are seeking for motivated engineering or biology major students for independent study or research assistant positions. Candidates must be currently enrolled at the University of Illinois. Research activities include literature review, preparation of experiment setup, performing experiments, data acquisition and analysis, and documentation.   Initial appointments are for one semester, with the potential for extension based on satisfactory performance.

Cell & Molecular Transport Lab

Graduate Applicants

If you are interested in the group for your graduate study, please apply the MechSE graduate program while indicating your interest of working in the group. You do not need to email CV and application materials to the PI for review. Any emailed materials will not be reviewed nor considered.

Postdoc Applicants

We are actively seeking exceptional postdoctoral candidates with relevant research experience and interests that align with our group’s objectives. Interested candidates are kindly requested to submit their curriculum vitae and research statement to the Principal Investigator.

Physical Address

1413 Mechanical Engineering Lab

Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

105 S Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL 61801