Tag: MS

  • Jonathan Gilvey, MS

    Jon completed his MS study in Mechanical Engineering May 2021. He is the recipient of the Arrasmith Fellowship of 2018. He received B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Washington State University (2018).

  • Stephanie M. Venis, M.S.

    Stephanie M. Venis, M.S.

    Stephanie is a master student of Mechanical Engineering. She is the recipient of 2018 Lozar Fellowship.  She received B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Southern Illinois University (2017).    Check her LinkedIn for latest position . 

  • Stephanie Venis’ MS Defense

    Stephanie Venis’ MS Defense

    Stephanie successfully completed her MSME defense. DEVELOPMENT OF A MICROFLUIDIC MODEL OF A PANCREATIC ACINUS Abstract Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) continues to have a dismally low survival rate due to late diagnosis and poor treatment options. Therefore, there is a need to understand the early stages and progression of the disease. PDAC is known to…

  • Ann Steele, M.S.

    Ann Steele, M.S.

    Ann received her MS in Mechanical Engineering May 2020. She received her BS in Biomedical Engineering from Purdue University.  Check her LinkedIn for latest position.

  • Michael Bradney, M.S.

    Michael Bradney, M.S.

    Mike completed his M.S. study (2017) regarding pancreatic cancer model.  He moved to an Engineer position at Cook MED Institute.  Check his latest activities at his Linkedin profile.

  • Taylor J. Thompson, M.S.

    Taylor J. Thompson, M.S.

    Taylor completed his M.S. study (2015) regarding cancer metastasis model.  He moved to an Engineer position at Nordson MEDICAL.  Check his latest activities at his Linkedin profile.

  • Kyeonggon Shin, M.S.

    Kyeonggon Shin, M.S.

    Kyeonggon completed his M.S. study (2015) regarding breast cancer drug resistance.  He moved to a Research Engineer position at Hyundai MOBIS.  [ap_social facebook=”” twitter=”” gplus=”” linkedin=”https://www.linkedin.com/in/kyeonggon-shin-2a1544b2/” dribble=””]

  • Angela Seawright, M.S.

    Angela Seawright, M.S.

    Angela started as an undergraduate research assistant (2010-2011), continued her graduate study and completed her M.S. study (2013) in the Han Group.  After graduation, she moved to GE Healthcare as Advanced Manufacturing Engineer. [ap_social facebook=”” twitter=”” gplus=”” linkedin=”https://www.linkedin.com/in/angela-cunningham-94751064/” dribble=””]

  • Alumni at UT-Arlington

    Lacey Mlcak, MS in ME, UT-Arlington (2010) Mechanical Engineer at Halliburton Ka Yaw Teo, MS, UT-Arlington (2009) PhD Study at Purdue Tenok DeHoyos, MS in ME, UT-Arlington (2009) Mechanical Engineer at Lockheed Martin Willard Hanson, PhD, UT-Arlington (2009) Research Associate at UT-Arlington Dana Sledz, REU Student (2009) MS Study at Colorado School of Mines Andrew Dutton, REU Student (2009) MS Study…